Board & Management
Peter Moore – Ba LLB
Executive Chairman
Peter is a former commercial lawyer and the founder of SNG. He has over 40 years’ experience in the resource exploration space. Formally owned and managed Geoflite, a geo technical consulting company and other resource industry ventures.
Robert Gray – BCom, MSc Min Ec
Non-Executive Director
Rob has over 30 years’ experience in corporate and project finance, M&A, funds management and private equity investment in the natural resources sector in Australia, USA, Europe and sub-Saharan Africa including with RMB Resources Ltd and Bankers Trust.
Brett Butlin – BSc, MSc (Geol)
Chief Geologist and Executive Director
Brett is a Geologist with over 25 years’ experience in minerals exploration for a variety of commodities and was chief geologist for Citadel Resources delineating the Jabal Sayid copper deposit in Saudi Arabia which was eventually sold to Barrick in 2010.
Tony Panther – BEc, LLB, CA, AGIA
Company Secretary
Tony has over 30 years’ experience in a variety of fields. Following completion of university commerce and law degrees he worked as an external auditor with a major international chartered accounting firm and has progressed to a range of internal audit, compliance, senior finance and company secretarial roles with a number of ASX-listed and unlisted public companies covering financial services, utilities, biotech, IT services and environmental technologies. He specialises in financial reporting and company secretarial practice.